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10 tips for improving rankings on Google

Have you finally decided to enter the digital universe with your brand, and look for tips on how to render results for your company? Let’s start with the basics, what is the biggest search tool on the internet? Google, right? So based on this principle the vast majority of hits on your site will be redirected by this platform.
And what can I do to get Google to drive more people to get to know my site? We came to the key question of this post, today we will show the basic principles of how to improve your rankings in Google.
And why would it be important to improve my rankings? Well, assuming someone types a Google search, most likely this person will visit the first links listed, on the first page, and ceasing your question will close the search. So the more ahead you are the better! More people will visit your site and know your brand.
The goal and great challenge for those working with digital marketing is to improve rankings in the search engine. Synthesizing: the goal is to be on the front page and in the top positions, and in this dispute and incessant search for the best rankings you must know some relevant factors.

1. Originality of content

One of the factors that Google values most is original and quality content. That is, new information that can serve the public. Unique and exclusive content is essential!

2. Page Authority

The sum of the factors: quality content, good page ratings and number of clicks. The higher the page authority, the greater your pagerank and the better your placement on Google.

3. Domain Authority

Domain authority is usually a combination of values such as: popularity, importance, and reliability of the site from which the link came from. It is not calculated only from the links that the site receives, but also by the age of the domain.

4. Loading speed

The faster your page, the more Google will value you in the results. This is because the platform values the user experience, nobody likes to wait for centuries until the page opens, if it is practical, agile and useful for the user this will be reflected in the rankings position.

5. Safety

Google takes into account sites that have security certificates (SSL and HTTPS) prioritizing them when ranking search results.

6. Responsive Sites

Have you heard that term? That is, when the site has the ability to automatically adapt to different sizes of screens has the preference of Google. That’s because nowadays the number is increasing and increasing access to the internet through smartphones and tablets, and Google once again advocates user satisfaction.

7. Use a keyword in the title

How would someone research the subject that you are going to publish? Find the keyword that defines your post so that it is as compatible with as many searches as possible, and so stands out among the results.

8. Practicality and agility

As already mentioned the main factor is the user experience. If Google considers your page super useful to the user this will definitely influence the positioning. Clear information, easy mode of use and practical solutions can make the user stay longer on your page, visit other articles and give a good evaluation.

9. TrustRank

The more trusted links you link to your site, the more Google would consider you trusted.

10. Site architecture

Organization and functionality are essential elements. It is important that in addition to a clean and modern design your site has pages that are organized, easy to understand and have reason to be there. Will the user leave your site satisfied and with all the information clear? We hope so!
Take advantage of all the tips to boost your Google ranking and make your brand better known to people.